360 Xochi Quetzal

BIPOC stands for Black, Indigenous, Person of Color. If you feel this description fits you, we welcome you to apply!

The live/work space at the Hotel Villa QQ is reserved for two people. Your partner/spouse is welcome as long as they adhere to the rules of the residency, the Hotel and if their presence enhances your creative time. We have had other residency winners whose partners came for the entire residency to do their own creative work. 

Unfortunately, the Hotel Villa QQ does not permit any pets, even service animals.

We understand that creativity is constantly evolving. Your answer will help us determine where you are in your creative process. It is quite common that once residents arrive in Chapala, their plans change. 

Absolutely not! This is a residency for a BIPOC creative. Your residency plan needs to reflect your authentic creative goals and process, not your identity. If your creative process is centered around your identity, we are interested to hear about that too.

The stipend for the winner will be sent to you on February 1st, 2023. We will correspond with you about the best way to send the money to you.

Although some Spanish will help ease your Mexican experience, many of the professionals you encounter will be bilingual. Knowing some basic phrases will be appreciated by local vendors.

While there is Cartel activity in many places in Mexico, it is not a big factor here in Jalisco. Most of the violence you hear about is gang warfare, and does not affect the expat and tourist communities. Keep this fact in mind: there are 53,000 licensed gun stores in the US compared to only one licensed gun store in all of Mexico. We feel very safe here, possibly more so than in the US.

Thanks to the 360 Xochi Quetzal Residency, there is a growing population of artists and writers who are making Chapala their home.. During your residency, we will plan various activities for all the resident artists (we have an active, year-round Personal Residency Program) and local creatives. You can be as connected or solitary as you want!

Between now and October 31, 2022, applicants can use the discount code EARLYBIRD on their CAFE applications and receive a $5 discount. Find out how to apply this discount on your application HERE

The 360 Xochi Quetzal BIPOC Residency is indeed in Mexico. In order to receive payments, we needed to use an address in the US. Fortunately, I also have a studio in Durham, NC and that is the address that CAFÉ uses. 

Video files need to be in these formats: WMV, MOC, MP4 and under 100MB with a
minimum resolution of 640×480; minimum 12fps. Audio files need to be in these
formats: AIFF, WAV, XMF, MP3 and under 10MB with a minimum bit rate of 96. There
is a lot of technical support on the CAFÉ website.

Images need to be in JPWG or JPG format and under 5MB with a minimum of 1200
pixels on the longest side. There is a lot of technical support on the CAFÉ website.

We are evaluating many applications in only a one-month window. Although you are probably eager to show us as many images/pages as possible, you will make a stronger impression if you choose your portfolio carefully and offer us a SHORT and commanding portfolio, rather than as many images/videos/pages as you can. 

As we celebrate the growth and evolution of the 360 Xochi Quetzal residency, we are committed to providing intentional space for more BIPOC voices. This is a competitive residency. Although we are choosing one winner in this inaugural program, we are hopeful that we will expand this program in the future. There is a growing BIPOC community in Chapala and you will find support even if you are the one winner.

Do you have questions that you don’t see answered here?

Please send us an email  with your questions.

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