360 Xochi Quetzal

Sunrise and Sunset on Lake Chapala

Sally Matteson, photographer
Sally Matteson spent 26 years living in the Atlanta, Georgia area where she spent much of her free time traveling into the North Georgia Mountains to take landscape photos.  It has always been a dream of hers that upon retiring, to be able to carry her camera with her wherever she goes so she doesn’t miss a great opportunity.  You always remember those shots that you missed because your camera was at home.
Sally shoots with a Canon Rebel SLR as well as a Nikon pocket sized 35mm and then, always her iPhone.  Her favorite shots will be of nature – landscapes, water, sunrises and sunsets as well as animals and macro shots of flowers.  Traveling as much as possible has been a lifelong dream and capturing shots from the various cities and countries she has visited has become her passion.  You can find her on Instagram at @sally.matteson.3

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