360 Xochi Quetzal

Ajijic and Chapala have long been a mecca for writers. Some of the famous luminaries include D.H. Lawrence, Neill James, Sybille Bedford, Somerset Maugham and Tennessee Williams.

For the last 40+ years, there has been an active writing community in Ajijic. In fact, it is the longest-running writer’s group in all of Mexico!

The Ajijic Writers Group is alive and well in Ajijic but has no formal status — officers, offices, web page, etc. The group meets on the first and third Friday of every month from 11am to 1pm on the patio of the Nueva Posada.  Visitors are very welcome and a very convivial lunch is available after the meeting. 

Current writers are from the U.S. and Canada, as well as a wide variety of English-speaking countries around the world. Occasionally but infrequently poetry or short stories are presented in Spanish.

The Lake Chapala Society (LCS) in Ajijic sponsors “Write to a Prompt” on Thursdays from 10am to 12pm: This is a drop-in writer’s group. Writers are given 45 minutes to write on a given prompt/topic. This is followed by time to read and share the writings. 

Visiting writers should know that the LCS Library is the largest English-speaking library in Mexico, maybe in Latin America; and that the LCS used book store is also the only real English language bookstore in the area — but several of the thrift shops on the Carretera also have large holdings of English language books.  https://lakechapalasociety.com/public/

The Monica Cardenas Galleria in San Antonio prints and sells “artists’ books” and small editions of poetry. The Galleria is an informal gathering center for Spanish speaking poets and writers in the area and often sponsors public readings to coincide with their openings.  http://galeriamonicacardenas.com/





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