360 Xochi Quetzal

360 Xochi Quetzal -on the Lime Casita steps enjoying the great weather in 2016

Artists residencies happen all over the world in all kinds of situations, cultures and climates. With a little bit of Spanish and a lot of excitement, I embarked on a personal residency  at 360  Xochi Quetzal in the Fall of 2016 to work on my year long  Leap 366 Life Ring project.

Residencies are all about giving artists the gift of time. Time to work on current projects and time to incubate new ideas. Fast forward to my February 2021 residency in the  High Plains of Ucross Wyoming, population…25!

Ucross Foundation for the arts
was started by philanthropist  Raymond Plank in 1983 to, ” foster the creative spirit of deeply committed artists and groups by providing uninterrupted time…” Surrounded by snow and a few days of temperatures that dipped to -22 degrees, I was able to spend hours in my beautiful studio working on projects that revolve around textiles as storytellers.
Today I continue to work on ideas and artwork started in Ucross in my downtown Cheyenne studio while dreaming and scheming about my next residency adventure! 
Down coat and cat hat keeping me warm! modular piece on wall.jpg
My Ucross studio
Story| Lines -- flexible, modular piece made up of textiles containing personal and global stories both known and unknown
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