360 Xochi Quetzal

Author Jan Miles, 360 Xochi Quetzal Winner in the Writing Category

Jan Miles worked as a children’s book editor for more than seven years, during which time she authored over thirty children’s books. As a staff writer, a ghost-writer, and a writer for hire, she has provided content for a variety of publishers, both in verse and in prose. Her work for children includes every conceivable format, from board and activity books to picture and chapter books.

Her new release was recenly reviewed by Brentin Mock for Citylab.


A Revival of the “Green Book” for Black Travelers Review: by Brentin Mock

“New Orleans-based writer Jan Miles has revived the enterprise with the publication of her book The Post-Racial Negro Green Bookreleased in November, 2017, which continues the service of identifying the problem of a lack of safety and security for black travelers. There’s a twist on Miles’ book though: Instead of listing hotels, restaurants, and gas stations that African Americans can patronize, as the original Green Books did, Miles’ book lists various acts of police violence and racial profiling in a given place that have made the news in recent years. It also delves into both concrete and abstract examples of racism reported, such as mass incarceration, sentencing disparities, microaggressions, and even white privilege.”

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