360 Xochi Quetzal

The Royal Palm

This may be one of the best rooms for writers. The Royal Palm is inspired by the surrounding palm trees on the grounds of the Villa QQ. The Royal Palm is located on the first floor of the Villa QQ and is fully accessible. This spacious and airy room features a King sized bed, sofa, TV, walk in closet and full bathroom with a separate shower and Jacuzzi. Red tile floors and pre-Hispanic indigenous art give this space a distinctly Mexican feel. You can walk outside and enjoy the beautiful grounds of the Villa QQ and swimming pool. The Royal Palm is a perfect space for concentrated work and also taking excellent care of yourself.   This space is dedicated to writers or visual artists working on small scale work like drawing or embroidery.

Price :
 Weekly rate (7 day min): $475 ($9500 pesos)

Note:  When booking your room, please add 360XQ under ‘Company Name’ to insure residency status.

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