360 Xochi Quetzal

Work in Process: Unbidden

Nancy Kay Turner
Work In Progress: Artist mixed media book: 2018/2023 14” x 11”

This empty sketch book was dyed continuously in rainwater/ink/metallic pigment
for over one year. Pages stuck and tore becoming ever more stubbornly present
even if damaged or permanently altered. On a week -long artist residency in Lake
Chapala, Mexico, I was able to complete the first 13 pages. Continuing my interest
in working with found materials and both fine art and natural materials I combined
vintage photographs, water damaged pages from a 1964 text on William De
Kooning that had belonged to the artist David Gilhooly/silver leaf/hemp
string/vintage handwritten letters circa 1900/ negative/kozo mulberry paper/dyed
wax paper. The images are permeable moving through portals in pages like Albert
Einstein says we move through time.

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