360 Xochi Quetzal

I am a curious person. I want to know the how, what and why of things. It’s a mindset that leaves me open to inspiration from many sources. A full blown series could develop from a book I’m reading or a fossil I purchased at the local gem and mineral show. Maybe it’s the rust patterns on a car or nature discovered on a walk. A thrift store forays can put me into curiosity overdrive. Thrifts are also the prime source for my artmaking materials. Reclaiming and transforming used clothing, household textiles and other bits and pieces into artwork extends and adds to their life story. 
I believe that creative expression is part of living a full life. To help further this belief I share my artistic visions though studio visits, workshops and collaborative projects. You can find me doing what I like best at my studio and gallery, Blue Door Arts, located at 1608 Capitol Ave in downtown Cheyenne WY.  

Video Interview with Georgia Rowswell

Art is the language I use to translate the world around me. Unusual materials and combinations with a heavy emphasis on pattern, color and texture are my words. My goal is to present work that inspires an interesting and lively conversation. Georgia has a gallery and studio space in the heart of downtown Cheyenne Wyoming. Her work can be seen at Blue Door Arts located at 1608 Capitol Ave in the Historic Hynds building. Visit Georgia at her studio by appointment or serendipity. Text or message her at 229-546-5183 or email at georgia.rowswell@gmail.com​

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Update-Georgia Rowswell on Residencies

360 Xochi Quetzal -on the Lime Casita steps enjoying the great weather in 2016 Artists residencies happen all over the world in all kinds of situations, cultures and climates. With a little bit of Spanish and a lot of excitement, I embarked on a personal

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